Thursday 23 May 2013

Summer Flowers & Storm Clouds


I've not been on here for a while so apologies for that. This week I have decided not to photograph my Wordless Wednesday spot. Sometimes it feels like things are a bit static there and I don't want the photographs to be boring.

I have been thinking a lot about teaching lately. I did a little while I was at Red Flag Studio, focussing mainly on teaching children and adults basic drawing and painting skills. I need to find some paid work but finding a job that fits around having four children is hard. I have decided to promote myself as a travelling art tutor and may contact some schools to see if I can run art clubs in them. I think there is a real need to allow children to play with materials and try out new things that are in short supply at school. I have always felt that Art isn't valued in school, no idea why because what route do all our designers have to take? We would be in a pretty tricky place without new design. Anyway, I am working on some ideas to teach art in the community-for all ages, and also provide Art parties for children. More will follow in coming weeks when I've got my head around logos etc.....

I'm also getting some experience in a local high school. I have teenagers myself and can remember being one very clearly. I was good at it too, as those old friends who may read this will know! I was never any good at the school thing, I just didn't get it and couldn't be bothered. I hope my son doesn't read this,  I try to kid him otherwise in a desperate attempt to make him work! So I know how those kids feel. I would however, love to share my enthusiasm for the subject with them, I never really had that myself from teachers. I'm enjoying being in the classroom chatting to the kids about Art and other things too.

Here are some photographs I took this morning. These are fields we drive past on the way to and from school. The yellow of the oilseed rape looked dramatic set against the storm clouds-not long after there was a down pour of hail, isn't it meant to be May?

Bye for now x

Thursday 9 May 2013

Wordless Wednesday a Day Late and Plans for a New Project...

I'm a day late with Wordless Wednesday. I decided to take the photos in the evening as the light is often  beautiful at that time, and continued to snap away whilst walking the dogs elsewhere too, so I've also included some of those photographs. Its so lovely to see the landscape being transformed by the sunshine and to have warm evenings to walk in.

It feels like I haven't produced an awful lot of work recently. I started a painting of a goldfinch which you have probably seen on Facebook, and hope to be adding to the series over the coming weeks. I have finally found the prints that I thought were lost in our move so I'll be adding those to my Etsy shop.

 There was a village on Salisbury Plain called Imber which was cleared by the MOD during WW2 to allow the US army to train. Although the villagers were promised that they could return once the war was over, they were never allowed to . The village itself no longer exists apart from breeze block buildings and the original church which we visited last Spring- the MOD allow access on bank holidays, and it struck me as such a sad story. Inspired by this, I am now working on some new pieces of work involving maps and stitch-I'll post some images on here when I'm ready.

In the meantime enjoy these photographs.

There were two new families in the Wordless Wednesday spot last night

I loved how these flowers were arranged. New growth with last year's leaves.

The light, as the sun was disappearing, was just beautiful. I love how the little flies are glowing. The cows were so relaxed and enjoying each other's company.