Thursday 23 May 2013

Summer Flowers & Storm Clouds


I've not been on here for a while so apologies for that. This week I have decided not to photograph my Wordless Wednesday spot. Sometimes it feels like things are a bit static there and I don't want the photographs to be boring.

I have been thinking a lot about teaching lately. I did a little while I was at Red Flag Studio, focussing mainly on teaching children and adults basic drawing and painting skills. I need to find some paid work but finding a job that fits around having four children is hard. I have decided to promote myself as a travelling art tutor and may contact some schools to see if I can run art clubs in them. I think there is a real need to allow children to play with materials and try out new things that are in short supply at school. I have always felt that Art isn't valued in school, no idea why because what route do all our designers have to take? We would be in a pretty tricky place without new design. Anyway, I am working on some ideas to teach art in the community-for all ages, and also provide Art parties for children. More will follow in coming weeks when I've got my head around logos etc.....

I'm also getting some experience in a local high school. I have teenagers myself and can remember being one very clearly. I was good at it too, as those old friends who may read this will know! I was never any good at the school thing, I just didn't get it and couldn't be bothered. I hope my son doesn't read this,  I try to kid him otherwise in a desperate attempt to make him work! So I know how those kids feel. I would however, love to share my enthusiasm for the subject with them, I never really had that myself from teachers. I'm enjoying being in the classroom chatting to the kids about Art and other things too.

Here are some photographs I took this morning. These are fields we drive past on the way to and from school. The yellow of the oilseed rape looked dramatic set against the storm clouds-not long after there was a down pour of hail, isn't it meant to be May?

Bye for now x

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