Monday 24 June 2013

Meet Betty


I thought that as this blog and all that's connected to my work is called Walking With Betty, you might actually like to meet Betty.

Betty is my three year old English Pointer. She was named by my daughter who loved Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom. I believe it is the name of the caterpillar on there.

For any of you who have experienced life with a pointer, you'll know that they truly believe that they're royalty. They would, if they could, spend entire days wrapped in a warm blanket curled up on your lap, on a sofa or in front of a fire. That said, they will also run for miles at great speed-we reckon at 45-50 mph at times.

Up until a couple of years ago, Betty was allowed to sleep on the sofa, that was until the morning that we discovered that she had eaten it. We found her sitting on what was, a lovely velvet two seater, completely covered in feathers. She has never been allowed that privilege again!

Betty is loving, friendly and often demanding and quite irritating. As she feels the cold, she will lean against anyone who visits the house and demand to be stroked and loved. She particularly loves having her ears pulled-really quite hard. Her fur is like the smoothest satin and, although at times she is extremely and embarrassingly thin, she is a beautiful and visually striking creature and one I wouldn't be without.

Here are some photos.....

She loves is discipline Floss, our spaniel!

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