Saturday 19 January 2013

From Red Riding to Narnia

Happy weekend!

Wow! What a beautiful week it has been. After bravely, or stupidly taking my daughters to school on the first snowy day we had, which resulted in a slightly hair raising drive along country lanes in near blizzard conditions, I opted to keep them home for the rest of the week.

I've spent my time walking; taking photos; being thoroughly inspired by stunning snowy scenes; trying out new gluten-free cake recipes; researching blogging; reading; discovering blogs I want to follow;  and taking the girls sledging. I've also been planning future painting projects that I hope to crack on with very soon.

Here are some photos of the scenes that have unfolded around me as I've walked. The first one is of a very strange cloud formation that crept across the sky in a very haunting and strange manner. Huge tendrils, much like fingers reached down to the land. I guess it was the snow falling but it was like a huge wave and quite erie.

Not sure what I'll be doing this weekend although we may visit Norwich later if we can face it and will definitely be out with the dogs and children later too.

Oh, and a huge thank you to John Davy-BizNetworkGuy for spending hours sharing his blogging knowledge with me, it was a great help. There's a link to his blog on here. Happy reading!

Have a great weekend!

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