Monday 21 January 2013

Tiphanie Beeke, Claire Fletcher, Stephen Mackey and Beautiful Snowy Illustrations

Tiphanie Beeke, Claire Fletcher and Stephen Mackey Wonderful Illustrators!


Hope you had a great weekend.

We have another snow day due to more in the night, so I have all the children at home. Later I will be walking Betty and chatting to a dear Wiltshire friend on the phone while I'm at it.

The weekend was quiet for us, although I did do some baking with mixed results. The gluten-free coffee cake was as stiff as a board-not great for moi. However, the gluten-full banana bread I made for the rest of the family is quite pleasing which is great for them. Along with a roast dinner yesterday and drop scones for tea last night and breakfast this morning, they're all doing very well indeed.

I spent the weekend searching, learning from and being excited by, other people's blogs and have been really excited by what I've seen including beautiful and touching poetry, embroidery, painting, crochet and photography. The open, honest sharing of life and experience has been really inspiring to read. I love that I can see other cultures, ideas, musings, raimblings and works of art all from my iPad.

This week I intend to get my Etsy shop up and running. Please note that this has been on my intentions list for quite sometime now so if it is achieved, I will be over the moon.

Anyway, last week I took some photographs of some of my favourite illustrators works and chose ones with snowy themes. The one I really wanted to share, Snow Day by Komako Sakai, is in a box somewhere between here and Wiltshire-still in storage I fear, along with quite a lot of other things that I need to track down today. Enjoy these pictures though, from the very talented
Stephen Mackey, Tiphanie Beeke and Claire Fletcher. I love flicking through children's books with a nice cup of strong coffee.

 Stephen Mackey's Miki-I bought this for myself on my 40th Birthday after taking tea at The Ritz

Angela McAllister and Tiphanie Beeke's Brave Bitsy and the Bear, dedicated to my daughter Safi
 Tiphanie Beeke's sad lonely piggy in Ian Whybrow's The Snow friends
I love Claire Fletcher's paintings. This one is particularly lovely and is from a joint venture with Jools Oliver (yes, Jamie's wife) called The Adventures of Dotty and Bluebell.

Have a great Monday!

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