Tuesday 29 January 2013

From Pure White to Vivid Green

Hello! Its been a few days since I posted. I seem to have been running around, largely after children and dogs and slowly getting my Etsy shop together-I'm scanning as I type.

I hope you had a good weekend. Mine involved baking, cooking a roast and walking the dogs. On  Saturday evening we had dinner with friends which was very pleasant.

The landscape has been transformed from pure white to vivid greens interspersed with flood water and mud. The birds seem to be wholly relieved and birdsong fills the air and sounds like a whisper of Spring arriving.

I walked with some new friends from school again today. Nice to walk somewhere different and get to know new people. Saw two Egret's-pure white, delicate, Stork-like birds, a type of heron from Europe.  I'm planning to paint some very soon along with some other species to add to my series. So far I have a gull and a finch and a print will be available of a swallow painting that I sold.

Lots of ideas for new paintings so plenty to be getting on with.

Here are some photographs taken over the past few days.

Starting to thaw

Last snowfall

Coot Prints

Icy Pool

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