Tuesday 15 January 2013

What a great day to start my blog....

What a great day to start writing my blog. We had snow last night and awoke to a winter wonderland. There had been much anticipation about the white stuff so everyone was very excited.

After a slow drive to school I took my dogs on a long walk on this perfect winter's morning. Through woods, "Christmas tree Forest" and water meadows where I saw a Woodcock, which I think is quite a rare bird to see anyway, I was excited to see him!

I love nature and taking photographs while I'm walking Betty-my three year old English Pointer and Flossie my five year old Springer Spaniel. The countryside and wildlife inspire me, and the photographs help me towards creating paintings and drawings. Soon my Etsy shop Walking with Betty- see a theme emerging?! will open. My work-paintings, drawings and prints will be available on there. I work mainly in charcoal, graphite and acrylic paint with other materials like oil and soft pastels creeping in there too.

Today's walk took me through Swardeston village in Norfolk, a village not far from where I live. There was snowman in the centre of the cricket green,  and hungry ducks on the pond. Tomorrow I will go armed with food.....

Above are some photos of the beautiful countryside I walked in today and meet Betty and Flossie too!

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