Thursday 4 April 2013

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday and, in Fact, Not Wordless at all!


Hope you've had a good Easter.

Have to say that what with Easter and visitors I completely forgot it was Wednesday yesterday and that I hadn't been to my Wordless spot. When I did get there I found that not a lot had changed due to the continuing Arctic conditions. I did notice that the mate of the mallard duck that have featured in some of my Wordless photos, was missing. The drake was a bit chatty on the water so I'm hoping that she has a nest somewhere and that nothing has happened to her. Unfortunately the sun hadn't come out when I took my Wordless pictures, they would've been much prettier if it had.

My camera is low on battery so the rest of the pictures I took today were on my iPhone using my Hipstamatic app. The blustery weather made for beautiful skies.

What do you suppose will happen to Spring when the warm weather, as it must surely, arrives? Do you think it'll appear all at once in a flourish? I wonder if the lushness and beauty of May and Early June will last a little longer into the summer months. I guess it will depend upon the weather we get.....

Bye for now x

Wordless Wednesday Shots Taken on Thursday (today) Before the  Sun Came out to Say Hello!

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