Tuesday 16 April 2013

A Little Collaboration....


Hope you're okay.

It's good to get back into routine after the Easter holidays and I'm so pleased it has warmed up and feels more like it should for Spring. I'm really noticing how nature is waking up in response to the warmth and sunlight. I was so pleased to see that the mother duck at my Wordless Wednesday spot was okay and has a little brood of ducklings. She had been missing the week before and I was a little concerned. It has been hard to photograph anything of interest there in the past few weeks as the cold weather has meant that nothing much was changing. I'm looking forward to going there tomorrow and seeing how the ducklings are doing.

I'm feeling quite inspired at the moment and ready to get my paints out. I need to get the Debbie project to the point of being ready for publishers, as well as getting on with some other projects. I'm also applying for what looks a very interesting job, I'm always happier when I'm busy and fulfilling all sides of my character.

Inspired by a book called Push Stitchery, and in particular, a Dutch artist called Tilleke Schwarz, I thought I'd ask my 7 year old to work on a little project with me. I asked her to draw a picture on some linen and I'm slowly stitching it. I left the subject matter up to her to see what she would come up with, and she has drawn heaven complete with God, unicorn and dinosaurs! It's good fun to do. I love children's art, their take on the world so open, immediate and honest. She is a very imaginative and creative little soul and I love the picture she has drawn complete with 'Sorry it is Rubbish', which I probably won't stitch! Photos below. I'll be back with Wordless Wednesday tomorrow.

Bye for now x

The Inspiration

Annie and Jo's Version. I Love the 'I Love You' at the bottom!

Spring is Coming!

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