Tuesday 23 April 2013

A Labour of Love


Another beautiful day, very much enjoyed my walk this morning.

After my walk yesterday I decided to go into the church that I had parked near and take some photographs. I'm so glad I did as I got to meet two charming men and hear about their labour of love.

I'd been struck by how well kept St Mary's in Forncett looked and wouldn't have guessed that the church had been retired (not the right word for it I'm sure) some forty years ago and left to decay, gradually becoming enveloped by woodland. To prevent the church from being made into a private dwelling, a man who lived nearby bought it. Locals became interested and gave of their time, experience and money to bring the church back to life.

 I met Harry Barker, an 83 year old retired carpenter and Rod Evans, a 68 year old former bricklayer there. Harry showed such pride in his work and was keen to give me tour. The gentleman told me that church had been an empty shell when they first took it on, the windows and many of the other features broken or removed. Dead birds littered the floor. The renovation has taken several years and still isn't complete, but St Mary's church can be used as a place of worship once again as well as a venue for other community functions - a jazz band will be playing there in May.

 The renovation has provided Harry with a sense of purpose and has helped him to recover from a stroke. He has rebuilt the vestry, the alter, doors and other furniture all out of recycled materials. What a man!

It was lovely to meet these guys yesterday, and kind of them to let me photograph them for this little project.

Back for Wordless Wednesday tomorrow, bye for now. x

Harry Barker

Harry with Rod Evans

St Mary's, Forncett

Trees had engulfed the graveyard.

The Lion

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