Monday 4 February 2013

A mixed Week of Deep Sadness & Birthday Excitement


I do hope you had a good weekend.

I'm painfully aware that I have rather neglected my blog in the past week, I can assure you its not that I'm tired of blog writing already, just a bit of a strange and hectic week.

Firstly I want to talk about the death of my uncle, Den Flashman, the week before last. Den was my mother's older brother and was quite a strong and interesting character in many ways. Although he made challenging decisions which caused much difficulty for other family members in his latter years, he was also a deeply creative and sensitive soul and a fantastic and inspirational artist.

Involved in Christian mission in Ecuador and at home in Tunbridge Wells, Den was deeply moved by poverty and homelessness and believed that he had a job to do within this realm. Initially travelling to Ecuador in the 90's with Soapbox, a charity set up by his brother and later travelling there on his own, Den shared his love of art with the adults and children there as well as being involved with building projects and working with children of the slums. I was also able to go to Ecuador and spent three weeks with Den and other family members there in 1994. He was passionate about his faith and all he did in life.

The Barrios of Santa Domingo De Los Colorados, Ecuador painted by Den Flashman
Den was inspired to paint many of the scenes that touched his heart in Ecuador and above is just one of them. It depicts two children, probably based upon some he knew there, looking out from a wooden shack that made up the "barrios" of the town. The little shacks piled seemingly on top of each other in terraces make up the wooden panelling of the cabin.

For me, aside of the memories I have of Den and the time he spent with me chatting about art and showing me techniques every week before I went to art college, the main sadness is for my mother. Den and she shared a difficult childhood during the war, experiencing not only the separation brought about by evacuation but the break up of their parent's marriage. Upon their return to London from Devon, Den and Kath (Mum) were never allowed to see or speak of their mother which they never recovered from. Den was my mother's last connection to her mother so his loss is deeply felt by her. My thoughts are with her and I will be there for her as much as I can be in the coming months, even if it is just to make her smile with stories of my children's antics. Thoughts are also with with June-Den's wife and my cousins Susie, Andrew and Mandy and their families. We are fortunate to have a large and close family who share the good times and bad together. Love you guys!

Moving on to happier things, my daughter Annie celebrated her 7th Birthday on Saturday with a Mermaid party and a plethora of Disney princess characters, she was a happy girl!

With her big brother, Fin

From Auntie Carol and Uncle Phil

 Happy Birthday my beautiful (& slightly crazy) girl!

Plans this week:

Fill the shelves of my Etsy shop.

Add new sections to this blog. Do note that a Betty! section has been added already.

Share some of my new blog discoveries on My Favourite Blogs section.

Set up Pinterest account.

Design and start embroidery.

Attend a Stitch night at Biddy's Tea Rooms in Norwich tomorrow night, a new venture into embroidery and I'm clueless-more to follow in coming weeks!

Here are some pictures of Biddy's-I love it!


I have a new ritual, well for this week anyway. Juliet Abbott of Red Flag Studio (which is soon to be featured on here), sent me a lovely present of Green and Blacks cocoa, a little mug by Fenella Smith sold at The Inner Yard, The Old Potato Yard, Lydeway, Wiltshire and homemade marshmallows (that I used to scoff unashamedly every day at Red Flag Studio) from Mipo- of the same address. Thanks Julie, I'll be enjoying these and thinking of you!
Marshmallow, hot choc and one of my favourite blogs, Bluebirdbaby
After all that I do hope you have a good day, bye for now xx

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your amazing photos.I'm sorry to hear your sad news - please send my love to your Mum Xx
