Tuesday 12 March 2013

Never Ending Winter....


Well, the cold weather has returned with a vengeance. Actually, by "cold weather" I mean snow as the cold weather barely left us anyway apart from a handful of Spring-like days. I can't say I mind all that much as, visually at least, I find snow quite uplifting. I love the way the usual landscape looks different and clean and new. I discovered some lovely little scenes this morning that I managed to capture with my camera-iphone not SLR but I did take my SLR-a Nikon D5000, for those of you who maybe interested, out with me on my walk with Betty yesterday and those pictures are included below.

 Today I saw three woodcocks, put up by the dogs and some grey wagtails which I hope to paint later-I'll put on WWB Facebook page if I'm pleased with it. Despite being called grey wagtails, they are far from grey with their bright yellow bellies set off beautifully by the snow. Absolutely beautiful bird they are. I saw another barn owl, a hare and a weasel last week so doing pretty well for wildlife spotting. Seeing these birds and animals truly excites me, some might find that odd but there you go, I love it.

I had quite a sociable week last week, walks and meals with friends and a little tea party for Mother's Day on Friday with my youngest's class which was so sweet. I also started a couple of paintings that have made me realise how rusty I am. I left Wiltshire and Red Flag Studio in November and haven't painted since then. I now have some ideas at least that I am experimenting with ready for my Etsy shop or galleries.

It was grey and misty last week and strangely beautiful so I've included some of the Instagram photos I took with this latest upload.

I attempted to go to the Castle Museum in Norwich on Sunday as there is an exhibition on there about fairy tales, it was closed but I intend to return and will report on it when I do. Its such an interesting place to visit with art, stuffed animals ( that obsession again) and teapots along with castley stuff, so plenty to study and draw.

Bye for now, hope you have a good day. xx

PS If you'd like to leave a comment (I'd love you to) please do so on Facebook WWB page if you struggle here. Thanks xx

Like the contours of a map

These were little frozen pools of ice attached to a branch. Has to scramble under a tree to catch this!

I love the reflection of the tree in this.

More ice maps

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