Saturday 23 March 2013

Warm Glow on a Freezing Day


Don't usually post on a Saturday but thought I'd put a few photographs on from the week.

I've spent a fair amount of time on My Name is Debbie this week and have nearly finished the first spread. Hoping to finish some of my other new pieces this coming week for my Etsy shop. Want to have some of my paintings made into prints for the shop too as the lovely batch I had printed in Wiltshire have disappeared in the move to Norfolk.

I didn't hold out much hope of getting any good photographs whilst walking with Betty yesterday, (Floss still on bed rest nursing her poorly wrist), but I was surprised and cheered by partially felled tree I happened upon. I have no idea what type of tree it was, someone tell me, but it just glowed orange-see photos below, and truly seemed to emit a warm glow on a freezing day. I also came across large patches of trees which, up until very recently, must have be submerged in the river beside it. The roots looked like a magical land or something from Lord of the Rings or like great hands appearing out of the earth. Anyway, I'm not sure that I have captured their full effect with my iPhone camera, but I let you decide what you think.

I've received a replacement instruction booklet from the Lomo team behind La Sardina camera, which means I can now get on and take some snaps with that. It takes 35mm film and has a wide angle lens. The whole philosophy behind Lomography is to carry the camera around with you and snap at will not caring for composing the picture or even thinking much about it. Old film can be used to create different effects, and whole rolls of film or single frames can be reused again and again for a layered effect. All very interesting so I'm looking forward to having a go. I have shot one roll of film on it which I'll try to get developed soon and will, of course, share on here. If you fancy looking into Lomography here's a link to their site

We have snow and more on the way if the forecast is to be believed, so not planning on doing too much this weekend. I may stitch some Easter cards and make some Easter decorations with my littlies. What are you up to? Whatever it is have a good one.

Bye for now xxx

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