Thursday 7 February 2013

A Bit of a Grizzly Find


Morning routine of four kids to school, washing on, two dogs walked and fed, bread made, hot chocolate and marshmallow (thanks Juliet Abbott) and a sifting through of this morning photographs ready for this post, complete.

I was out for about an hour with Betty and Flossie today but kept the actual ground I covered to a minimum wanting to take in a small area and capture it with its dappled light and fresh scattering of snow. I also took a slightly different route taking in the snowdrops that I shot yesterday with the morning sunlight illuminating their tiny, perfect petals.

My walk took me over a couple of very rickety bridges that even Betty was concerned about negotiating-Floss just launches herself into the water with no regard to the available walkways.

It was as I contemplated crossing the river that I came across a rather gruesome find-see photos. I believe it to be from a deer-there was a slightly darker side of me that wondered if the spine and ribs scattered before me were human (too much watching of Waking the Dead, Silent Witness et al) but I'm fairly confident this wasn't the case. I have to confess also to hunting for the skull. This may seem a little macabre to some of you but I find them fascinating and great to draw, I do also have a fondness for taxidermied (not sure that's even a word but you know what I mean) animals, although I don't own any (yet). To my disappointment it didn't reveal itself although I did find a scapula and some leg bones.

While all this was going on Betty put up a Woodcock which I was very pleased to see, they are such a sweet bird.

Anyway, my hunt for beauty wasn't too hard this morning, in fact I was spoilt for choice. Here is what I found today....

A Grizzly Find
A deer?

I just love shadows

Frozen leaves 

In a row with their fluffy slippers on

Tiger Tree

Snowdrops being snowdrops in the snow

Have a good day all xxx

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