Tuesday 5 February 2013

Etsy Shop Now Open! http://www.etsy.com/shop/walkingwithbetty


I'm soooo excited and relieved as its been a long haul, but my Etsy shop is OPEN! http://www.etsy.com/shop/walkingwithbetty

I hope its all ok and makes sense, any feedback would be really appreciated.

I'm off to Biddy's Tearooms tonight for the Stitching group. I'm pretty clueless and have nothing other than ideas to bring along with me, but hopefully they'll be friendly and I can sit and natter-I can always do that!

Just thought I'd include a snap of a Highland cow that I passed yesterday morning on my way to school, a fine beast indeed. Has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with what I've just told you but I rather liked him!

I'm aware that some of you have tried to leave comments on here and have been unable to. I'm going to look into why this is and try to sort the problem over the next few days.

Bye for now! xx

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