Wednesday 6 February 2013

Biddy's Stitching & Hunting for Beauty on a February Morning

Hello people!

Thought I'd report back from the Biddy's Tea Rooms Stitching group that Zoe-big daughter aged 16, and I went to last night. Also, on a morning where the icy rain pinches at any exposed skin I went on the hunt for beauty and despite the fairly dull light, found it-photos to follow....

Zoe and I managed to make it to Biddy's for about 8pm last night. We'd had a fairly hefty downpour of huge, wet and fluffy snow for an hour or two beforehand but we weren't put off. We rather nervously entered Biddy's. Lets face it, its always a bit nerve wracking going along to somewhere new and I was very glad to have my daughter beside me.

The girl running it was happily diving into a large portion of chips with her boyfriend thinking that no one else would pitch up, they kindly vacated the Chesterfield's for us. We had tea and cakes and sat and sketched ideas for embroidery. Zoe, for reasons not fully understood by me, decided to draw inspiration from some cartoon with a character called Finn the Human and (someone) the dog. I sketched out some ideas that have been in my head for a while featuring children, dogs & foxes (I do like foxes).

 Around us were several women knitting and crocheting beautiful blankets and I could've just stared and watched them. Actually, I did attempt a sketch of a couple of them but abandoned it fairly quickly deciding that we looked odd enough drawing and not actually stitching, (I'm sure a few eyebrows were raised), without spying on them sketchbook open! Actually, talking of raised eyebrows, Zoe raised hers to a woman who gave me a very displeased look when I clattered a plate whilst hunting for my rubber. Zoe looked her full in the eye and raised just one at her. I really must sort my out clumsiness issues.

I did listen in on a fascinating conversation about a woman's cat peeing on her daughter's bed and coughing up fur balls until it all got too much. Quite an entertaining evening all in all and, although I would like to have struck up some kind of conversation with someone, Zoe and I did have a lovely bit of time together.

Here are some pictures of my ideas and Biddy's Tea Rooms in Norwich
Idea for embroidery on tea towel that I wrap the bread I've made in

Little girl with a fox based upon The Child & the Fox film

I want embroider a brightly coloured jumper, hat and scarf on both these characters

Child in woods with wolf or fox, probably a fox as the colours will be better

St Giles Church Looking Pretty

Pretty Biddy's

Zoe, also pretty (she will hit the roof if she knows this is one here, sshhhh!)

Me discreetly sketching crocheting women and listening to cat tales 

Loving the lighting

Hunting for Beauty on a February Morning

This morning despite being freezing cold with biting rain, I felt I had to find something beautiful to photograph for my blog. I wasn't out for all that long but I looked very carefully and I think I managed to fulfil my mission. Here are some of the pictures I shot...

All the trees here look like they have wooly green slippers on

I loved the way the ivy and moss were sharing this tree

Ever get the feeling you're being watched?

Hope you have a great day, try and seek out something beautiful as you go about your business! xx

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