Friday 8 February 2013

The Lightening Tree & Spooky Structures

Good afternoon,

Went over to Catton Park in Norwich today with my friend Jayne. She's been keen to show me the sculpture there that you just kind of stumble over quite unexpectedly, the best kind a reckon.

Catton Park was once the gardens to a manor-I think that's right, aficionado Jayne will correct me if I'm wrong, and was designed by Humphrey Repton.

Here are some photographs of the sculpture along with some very sculptural trees and a lightening tree. The Lord of the manor placed, what looks like a ship's mast, in an oak tree opposite his house as a sun dial. Unfortunately it got hit by lightening and all that's left is this wonderful structure.

Have a good weekend, what are you up to? xx

The Lightening Tree

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