Tuesday 12 February 2013

Beside the Seaside, Beside the Sea & Gallery Added to Blog

Hello & Happy Shrove Tuesday!

Hope you had a good weekend. We spent Saturday in Southwold, Suffolk taking in fish and chips at The Harbour Inn (so good). A real treat for me as I'm gluten intolerant and try to stick to avoiding this as much as I can bear. Occasionally, like on Saturday, I allow myself a treat and it was such a pleasure to eat that crispy battered cod. After eating we walked along the harbour to the beach and onto the pier where there is so much to see including this rather cheeky clock.

I was really pleased to receive my linen-thanks Julie, and have started my first ever embroidery, I'll post some photos later in the week. At least I won't feel a total fraud next time at Biddy's Stitch Group.

Yesterday I went up to Ludham Broad in Norfolk to discuss a possible art project about St Benet's Abbey-more to follow.....

Lastly, I added a gallery section to this blog last week, so if you're interested take a look!

Loved this beach hut sign!

The Owl and the Pussy Cat

Clock on Southwold Pier

I'm off to the carnival at my daughters' school now!

Bye for now xx

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